Fish stuck on the rod
weird glitch where ur fish tends to get stuck on ur rod making u have to unequip ur rod and then loose the fish that was on your hook.
heres gameplay of what happened
omar al janadi
gets stuck and you don't get it
True, it makes my bait Used double
Flamingo Helps
The same thing happened to me in the first cave on Port Jackson. Extremely annoying as it feels like it's the only place it happens. Randomly just decides to stop fishing and the fish sits at the top of the rod taunting you lmao.
Flamingo Helps
It seems like it has to do with the moving water in the cave. When it gets too shallow is when the bug happens. Probably the game confused on whether it's on the shore or in the water.
Edit: A temporary fix that reduced the amount of times it happens is to fish in the little pocket here.
I also encountered the same problem, even every time I caught two fish, the fish got stuck on the fishing rod, which made the fishing rod malfunction and unusable, really annoying.
Fernando Estrella
Nathan W.
Next time don't fish too much. ttake a shark hunting break lol.
Arthur Morton
MisterDrProf (The Doctor Prof)
This isnt fixed yet?
i once had like 7 fish on my rod at once hahahahaha